Which is Best Dog for Condos? — Find Your Perfect Furry Companion at Home (2021)

Taking on the responsibility of a dog is no small feat. The key is to find a breed that suits your lifestyle and your living environment. In general, large dogs are not suited for condos, nor the more active breeds.  Thus, our team of experts is here to help you find the best dogs for condos.

Best Dogs for Condos

1. Bichon Frise



To start off the list, we have the adorable teddy bear-looking Bichon Frise. It resembles a poodle with their cute and smiling faces and curly wiry fur. A Bichon Frise is not only great for condo living due to its small size, but they are also suitable for owners who have allergies. 

These dogs have less dander and are considered hypoallergenic. Because they are smaller in size, they don’t need a lot of exercises.  It makes them adaptable to city living where your condo is most likely located.

2.  Pomeranian

Pomeranian (2)


Next up is a Pomeranian. If you don’t have a larger condo, Poms are a friendly, affectionate, and adorable dog breed choice. They are considered toys for small-sized dogs, so they won’t take up too much space. They also often make lists for top lapdogs, despite their energy levels.

Even though a  Pom can be quite hyperactive during the first couple of years, their small size makes them perfect choices for condo life and for owners that want to interact and play with their dog rather than just snuggle up.

3. Maltese

maltese (2)


The Maltese was a famous purse dog a few years ago and is one of the breeds that feature teacup options. While we don’t agree with selective size breeding, the Maltese is a small dog, to begin with. They are very sweet, will shower you with love, and they don’t require a lot of room.

In smaller condos, Maltese dogs are a great choice because they don’t require a lot of exercises either. It can be a hassle to take a dog out every day when you live in a condo, so a Maltese is a good breed choice.

4. Pug

pug (2)


These sweet fur babies with ever-curious expressions are our team’s next choice. They are considered homebodies and really don’t need to leave your condo. A quick play of fetch indoors will be enough exercise for a pug.

Much like the Pom, pugs also make excellent lap dogs. They are the canine equivalent of couch potatoes and will really just spend their days eating, sleeping, and cuddling.

5. Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier


The Yorkshire Terrier, known for its long and luxurious coat and small size is the next logical choice on our list. Our experts can’t stress the beauty of their silky coats and the convenience of their tiny size. You don’t need a lot of space for Yorkies and even a studio apartment would suffice.

This breed also comes in teacup sizes, which are so small they can be picked up with one hand and fit snugly into your palm. Taking dogs outside is important for socialization, but if that wasn’t necessary, a Yorkie can set up shop in your home and never leave.

6. French Bulldog

French Bulldog


There was a craze for French Bulldogs a few years ago and our experts can see why. Not only are they adorable, fun-loving, and sweet, French Bulldogs are great for condo and city life. As a barrel-chested [1] dog like their cousin the English Bulldog, Frenchies are not built for rigorous exercise, so they can fit in well with city living.

All they need is a quick walk around the neighborhood and can even do with skipping a day or two if you’re busy. Just throwing a ball around your condo with him will be enough exercise for the day.

7. Chihuahua



As the tiniest member of the canine species, Chihuahuas make great condo pets and our team loves them for it. Their tiny size makes them a good choice for any type of dwelling, from small studio condos to large mansions. It’s safe to say a quick walk around the block is all these fur babies need to stay healthy, and since they are around 5 pounds on average, they are an easy breed to handle.

All in all, Chihuahuas are great companions no matter where you live, you just need to be careful where you step!

8. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Our experts could not leave out the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. For one thing, these even-tempered, well-mannered, and easy-to-train dogs are loveable and sweet. They have many good qualities one would want in a pet, which is why they often make excellent therapy dogs.

They are wonderful lap dogs and amazing companions. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is very in tune with your feelings and is highly adaptable, which makes them great condo pets.

9. Shih-Tzu


The sweet faces of the Shih-Tzu breed are irresistible to most! Originally bred for Chinese royalty, the Shih-Tzu has come a long way since the dynasties. They can now settle for modern condo-living in Toronto and won’t need lavish silks and laces. What they require is minimal exercise but they are mostly content just being around you.

Since they are also a small breed, the Shih-Tzu won’t need a lot of space, which is also why they are great condo dogs.

 10. Greyhound



No, the Greyhound isn’t a typo and yes, they are on the right list. Our team knows this is a surprising choice since Greyhounds are considered large breeds, but our experts always like to include a variety of choices for everyone.

Though they are one of the fastest canine breeds, the sleek Greyhound is actually very lazy. They like being around their owners and are content just laying on the couch all day, which makes them excellent condo dogs.

A Guide in Choosing a Dog For Your Condo

What is a foolproof way to pick the best dogs for condos? 

The main thing to look at is the size of the dog. A small breed will be easier to manage in a condo and even a smaller space can seem large to a toy breed. 

The next item to consider is their activity level. How much exercise do they require? Dogs like the Greyhound are large but make great condo dogs due to their relaxed and lazy nature.

Our Top Pick For a Dog for Condos: Bichon Frise

Our top pick for the best dogs for condos is the Bichon Frise. The teddy bear dog is not only sweet and small, the best combo for condo-living but they’re still active enough to have playtime with you. The Bichon Frise is hypoallergenic, affectionate, and is a great size for the condo life.

To widen your knowledge about owning a property in Canada, you can also check these pages below: 

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Tal Shelef
Tal Shelef is a know it all when it comes to pre-construction developments Canada Wide. His years of daily research and growing up on construction sites / seeing development sites grow from the ground up at an early age gave him a passion like no other. He uses his knowledge to educate Condowizard’s clients. Have a conversation with Tal and see how much value one phone call may provide you.

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